Minggu, 20 Januari 2013


 The heart was one of the important organs in our body that was assigned to arrange the activity of metabolism in the body. The heart had the main function that is as the Darah Filter. Blood that circulated on our body was cleaned and refined from toxic materials that entered the body through food or breathing.

In his work, our heart made several products, including the protein kind that was acknowledged as the enzyme. This product could leave the heart and entered the blood circulation. The level of this product could be measured in blood.
The main function of the heart to the adult:
·         Kept various forms of glucose, vit B12, and iron
·         The provisions of the power (the sugar substance) and protein
·         The issuing of hormones and insulin.
·         The formation and the issuing of Fat and Cholesterol
·         The filter and the thrower of the toxic material material in blood mealalui the process of the demolition of haemoglobin.
·         Change ammonia into urea.
The heart illness was a term for a collection conditions, illnesses and infections that affected cells, networks, the structure and the function from the heart.
If the heart became inflamed or was infected, then the heart capacity to carry out these functions so weaken. The heart illness and infections were caused by a condition that varied including the virus infection, the bacterial attack, and the change in chemistry or physical in the body. The cause that was most general from heart damage was malnutrition (malnutrition), especially that happened to alcohol addiction.
Signs of the heart illness were possibly acute, happened suddenly, or chronic, developing slow through a period of a long time. The chronic heart illness far more general than that was acute. The figure from the chronic heart illness from the man twice was higher than the woman. The heart illness could reach out from light to heavy depended on the type of the illness that was present.
Signs partly depended on the type and the range of his heart illness. In many cases, possibly was not gotten by the sign. Signs and signs that were general in several different types from the heart illness including:
·         Jaundice or yellowish skin
·         Urine that was brown like tea
·         Nausea
·         Be lost appetite ate
·         Lose or the difficult rise in the abnormal body
·         Vomit
·         Diarrhoea
·         The colour of excrement (feces) that was pale
·         Painfully the abdomen (the stomach) in the right part on the stomach
·         Did not feel well (depression) or the feeling was sick that bolted
·         Very itchy
·         Varises (the enlargement of the artery vena)
·         Varises (the enlargement of the artery vena)
·         Hipoglikemia (the level of hypotension sugar)
·         The minor fever
·         Be sick muscles
·         Libido decreased (the sex passion decreased)
·         Depression
The serious illness that was rare was from the heart infection mentioned acute fulminant hepatitis, caused failed the heart. Signs from failing the heart:
·         Aplastic anaemia, a situation where bones marrow (bone marrow) could not make blood cells
·         Ascites gathered the liquid in the abdomen
·         Oedema or the swelling under skin
·         Encephalopathy, the deviation that influenced functions of the brain
·         The heart that grew and pain (was sick)
·         The spleen grew
·         The change in the mental status or the level of the awareness

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